A graphic of 2 smiling people with their backpacks by a camp fire in front of a tent

Episode 121 – What truly makes you happy

In this episode, we discuss what truly makes you happy. We’re generally happy people and we put that down to feeling in control of our diary and our to-do lists. Simple things in our lives make us feel happy.

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  1. Hi Lesley & Ingrid, on a scale of 1-10 this Podcast Episode 121 has a 10. Well here in the North West of the United Kingdom (as Lesley and I know) we have been in some form of Lockdown, Restriction Level since last July. So ‘Happiness’ has had to be self creative for many people during these difficult times. I began with good intentions to declutter, last April, then got side tracked by making face covering masks for the vulnerable. 😷
    Then got on did some of the Challenges. I keep going back and doing a bit more.
    As you both expressed its about what makes us happy so I am about to tackle some clutter that will hopefully make me smile. Thank you. Ann M

    1. Yay, welcome back to decluttering, Ann. You had a very good reason to put it on hold for a while. Let us know if there is anything we can help within the Members' Area x

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