A graphic of a woman sitting on the floor in despair in front of a very untidy wardrobe with a pile of half worn clothes on the floor behind her

Episode 132 – What to do with half worn clothes

In today’s episode we are talking about half worn clothes - something the two of us disagree on! This is a question we get asked a lot, so we thought it was time to address the issue (despite our conflicting views!)

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Episode 333 – Keeping your decluttering journey a secret with anonymous
Episode 332 – How to get things out of your head and onto a list

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Episode 333 – Keeping your decluttering journey a secret with anonymous

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Leave a Reply

  1. That was funny and interesting.
    I’m totally with Ingrid. I don’t want to always put everything back into the wardrobe.
    But having the stuff distributed everywhere (as you don't want one big pile) looks messy.
    To solve this issue/dilemma I have designed a dedicated "inbetweendrobe".
    The shallow tilted compartments ensure everything can be found at first glance but it's a designated space making the room look tidy at all times.
    Please check it out on my website, etsy shop or instagram, where this and variations of it (a small one to put in a wardrobe) will be available again soon.
    Vertical Wardrobes

  2. I’m with Ingrid – I don't like to put half worn clothes back in my wardrobe as I don't like mixing unwashed clothes with washed clothes. I air mine on a hanger, then fold them on a shelf until I wear them again – and I don't have many clothes 'on the go' at any one time.

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