A graphic of a kitchen with crockery, pots, pans and utensils

Episode 19 – Declutter Your Kitchen Today

In this podcast, Lesley and Ingrid chat about accessibility, compromising and logic when decluttering a kitchen. The kitchen is the heart of the home and it's an important room to get right. It can save you time, money and your sanity because you spend a lot of time in the kitchen. You prepare meals, do the washing up, lots of us have your washing machine in the kitchen, so it’s a room that has to work hard.

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Looking for more advice on decluttering your kitchen? Check out our blog post below...

Increasingly, the kitchen is the hub of the family home, so it needs to function like a well oiled machine. But what are the secret ingredients to declutter your kitchen?


It’s YOUR kitchen so you need a system that works for YOU. If you are a simple cook that relies heavily on convenience, don’t fall into the trap of being aspirational.You just don’t need all the latest gizmos and gadgets. But if your cooking is Michelin star worthy, then you’re going to need more than just a knife and a chopping board to see you through.


 But keep in mind your kitchen isn’t a tardis, because it’s only got so many cupboards. If you want to declutter your kitchen, you need to compromise. Having the well organised kitchen of your dreams is a fine art but here are just a few ideas to make yours work better for you.

  • Have all your heavy pots and pans right where you need them, adjacent to or underneath your cooker.
  • Don’t mix food and non food together. Pots in one area, cereals in another. It helps create a more hygienic workspace.
  • Whilst lining up cans and bottles in your cupboard may seem over the top, it allows you to see exactly what you have and helps avoid overbuying.
  • Having a Le Mans unit is a huge plus in a kitchen.  You can try to recreate one with two plastic boxes, one in the corner and one in the front. Put seldom used pots and pans in there and it will make accessibility so much easier.
  • If you are planning a kitchen from scratch, incorporate plenty of space for recycling so it’s not littering up your kitchen floor.
  • If you’re struggling for space, use your walls. Storage in between your wall and base units can eradicate the need for a utensils drawer.
  • If you’re a cook, those spice racks with space for six spices aren’t going to cut it. The best way to make your herbs and spices accessible is using a cupboard. If they are at low level use a marker to write on the top of the spice. That way,  you can see exactly what they are from above as well as at eye level.
  • Shelves often adjust in modern kitchens so choose shelf heights that are suitable for your needs. You don't want that oversize wine glass ending up with the dog food, so think about swapping the glass for a smaller one.
  • If you don’t have space, don’t bulk buy. If your shelves are not high enough for a 750g of cereal, buy a 500g one instead. Don’t even think about decanting cereals into plastic containers unless you are super organised or live alone. It will just never happen.
  • If you’re a cook that likes to have things to hand, bear in mind that a wall cupboard is not TOO far away from the worksurface and can help create a more streamlined space.
  • Finally, declutter your kitchen. Very few British kitchens have ample space. If you haven’t used that gravy separator for 5 years, it’s time to say goodbye!

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