A graphic of 2 women cleaning a messy room

Episode 281 – How to declutter without making a mess

We’ve all been there! You decide that today is the day you want to declutter. You pull everything out of your cupboards and then are faced with piles of stuff with no order. You think to yourself, what on earth have I done? Then because of your overwhelm you close the door, leave the room and don’t come back for days. This is what we call the messy middle and in this podcast, we help you to avoid that.

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  1. This podcast came at the right time. I am resuming from the messy middle I stopped at months ago. Due to health issues and the requirement for ongoing Physio, as well intentioned as I have been, little could get done. I can confirm the safety risk of repeatedly stepping over boxes, almost spraining an ankle in the process. I have 4 different colours of bin bags I packed items into over summer stacked up all around me, black, green, teal and silver, in addition to the transparent recycling bags I put donations in. I taped the bags shut, cannot recall which colour was what category and didn't buy more labels as I already had a packet of them in here…somewhere. I refrained from marking bags with a sharpie at the risk of the ink transferring through to clothing or papers inside. I made a minimal amount of space over the past week which is at least enough to re-start from, as my health is finally slowly improving. The ladybug that's been traversing my curtain for almost a week now might be a lucky sign but I am feeling quite unsettled at the prospect of finding actual creepy crawlies or worse that could have hibernated in the stacked cardboard boxes in my warm studio over winter. Seriously, I am now wearing a hazmat, goggles, gloves, shoe covers and all; whatever it takes to get it done.🙃

    1. Hi Tara, thank you for sharing and lovely to hear you're on the mend and are starting to feel a bit better. Make sure not to overdo it now, but work slowly but surely instead of going all guns blazing now. We don't want you to tire yourself out.

  2. While listening I dumped 2 boxes on my bed challenging myself to finish sort/toss/recycle during the podcast. Yep. Sitting in the ‘messy middle’ here. I sort on my bed so that it will get done and can get in it to sleep at night! I’d say this method has a 90% success rate for me. And yes, I did finish by the end of the podcast!

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