A photograph of a woman wearing glasses, smiling into the camera with a blue campervan in the background - guest Jen Gale discussing sustainability

Episode 126 – Sustainable(ish) with Guest Jen Gale

In this episode, Ingrid is talking to Jen Gale from Sustainable(ish).

Jen is an ordinary, knackered mum of two whose life changed when she dragged and cajoled the family into a year buying nothing new. That year changed not only what she buys, but also how she sees her place in the world. Jen recognised the power that we all have as individuals to make a difference to the things we care about, simply through getting informed about the impact of our daily choices, and figuring out easy swaps and changes. 

She is the author of The Sustainable(ish) Living Guide and The Sustainable(ish) Guide to Green Parenting. The family are still (just about) talking to her and they live in Wiltshire where Jen writes and podcasts about all things Sustainable(ish). 

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