A graphic of a neat and tidy wardrobe

Episode 276 – How NOT to organise your home

Finding the right place for the things in your home is an absolute must, but getting to that point is not always straightforward. When it comes to home organisation there are some things that work and some things that don’t. In today's podcast we’re going to hone in on the things that won’t work so you can get to the crux of what will.

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  1. Another great episode. I also have gone down the trap of following too many groups, people, videos… on decluttering. When I saw one person decanting their cereal, I realized how over the top that was for me- what about the cereal at the bottom- does it ever get eaten? Anyway, I finally realized I am paying for membership here and there's plenty of advice and videos and people to help. I've experienced lots of mind shifts- such as stop shuffling, think of the why or big picture, shop intentionally and stop keeping aspirational clutter. Thanks for all your expertise!

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