A photo of a man in a white shirt - Peter Walsh - smiling at the camera surrounded by clutter

Episode 270 – Peter Walsh: The Power of Clutter and its hold on us

For over 20 years, Peter Walsh has been working internationally helping families declutter and organise their homes and their lives. Peter believes that clutter is anything that stands in the way of people living their best lives and we could not agree more. 

Peter has always managed to encourage people to declutter using  the perfect balance of empathy and understanding coupled with some tough love. If you’re an American TV fan you’re likely to know Peter from Clean Sweep, Oprah and the Rachel Ray show in the States and Oprah dubbed Peter as the “Get your Whole Life Organized Guy”. He’s also a New York Times Best selling author of 7 books. To say we are excited to have Peter on the show is an understatement. Today in Part 1 of a two part podcast we’re unwrapping the power of clutter and its hold on us.

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  1. Have listened and enjoyed well over 100 of your podcasts now but I'm afraid E270 with Peter Walsh left me cold! Maybe it was a cultural thing or maybe he just wasn't my cup of tea!
    I think if he walked through my door as a professional organiser, I would immediately feel I'd made a big mistake. I found him closed, detached, arrogant, opinionated and slightly aggressive and I think he was probably a nightmare to interview. He had none of the empathy, charisma, down-to-earthness and humour that you, Lesley and Ingrid, have which makes me love you two even more and thankful that I am part of your lovely Declutter Hub community. All I can take from it is what I discovered early in my working career – that you learn just as much from negative experiences as you do from positive experiences.

  2. Wow, an episode with decluttering and organizing guru, Peter Walsh! I was saddened to hear his opinion on the state of the environment (although he may be right) and hope his thoughts on the environment don't send people out to buy more fast fashion and single use plastics. Lesley, I have always felt your empathy in the membership. Thank you for doing what you do 💛

  3. Loved hearing from Peter Walsh (long-time fan from Clean Sweep days)! I had to pause the podcast several times to just sit with several of the topics- plastic waste, holidays about gift giving, decluttering- not minimalism, getting permission…
    Thanks for a great episode, looking forward to part 2!

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