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  • Episode 84 – ADHD and Clutter: Effective Decluttering Techniques
A photograph of a smiling Sarah Bickers wearing a blue top

Episode 84 – ADHD and Clutter: Effective Decluttering Techniques

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  1. I loved Sarah’s tips and suggestions. Iam 47 year old who’s ADHD symptoms had become unmanageable with the diminishing levels of estrogen. I’d love more of these tips broken down to particular tasks. I start on one corner and before finishing it , I move to another.
    The way I manage washing up dishes is by breaking it into cups, plates, knives,. . . and so on. So similar tips for accomplishing one category or one corner would be great. I find Mari Kondo’s methods don’t work for me, because I’ve acquired enormous quantities of stuff.
    Thank you very much for your fantastic efforts. I really enjoy your podcasts and sharing your personal experiences, especially during lock down. I find it particularly comforting to know, that It’s not just me who sleeps more than usual.
    Stay safe

    1. HI Dana, so happy that you enjoyed our podcast with Sarah. She talks so much sense. Keep on going with our podcasts to inspire you and I saw you had already joined our facebook group which is great news. We will help you in any way we can! Best of luck. Lesley x

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