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Episode 268 – How to break your shopping habits

Black Friday is coming. Many of the people in our communities love to shop and can’t resist a bargain. If that’s you it can be hard to resist the temptation of a fantastic deal and those deals are there by the bucketload in the run up in the frenzied weekend that is Black Friday. In this podcast we’re going to talk about how to break your shopping habits in general and hope that some of these tips will sink in before you succumb and hit that buy button

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  1. I recently found your podcast after beginning my own decluttering journey and I’ve found it so insightful! I’m really loving how you two interact and laugh with each other and how knowledgeable you both are! Your 10 things episodes are my favourite!

    I’ve just finished listening to your most recent episode and it’s really got me thinking… I’m fairly intentional with my shopping and I let things sit in my Amazon basket for ages so I can keep re-evaluating whether I need it and that works great! My downfall though is when I eventually go to purchase and it says something along the lines of ‘spend another £5 for free shipping’… so of course I have to find something otherwise I’ve essentially wasted that money on shipping. Companies definitely know how to get you to spend more and it’s a right pain!

    1. Hi Liv

      It's great that you understand your trigger. You are half way there then. Make it a non negotiable if you can not to ad to cart. Money saved but clutter added is the choice.

      Glad you're enjoying the podcast!


  2. The pandemic cured me of shopping habits- it was going "cold turkey". Now I always have a list and a plan. However, all those items around the checkout counter are very tempting, especially if I'm waiting in a long line. For Black Friday, I hope to stick to my gift list.

  3. Ingrid, (Lesley i love you too!) i am completely on board with you on this! I can not do the ‘digging for a bargain’ thing. I am too overwhelmed by it all. I don’t really shop anyway, i replace. I chose to celebrate ‘buy nothing Friday’ instead of Black Friday. Love you ladies!! Thank you for another great podcast!! It’s my new favorite and i have binged all the episodes. Have a lovely week!

      1. Oh my goodness!! I am so star struck!! Last time i left a comment on what my legacy would be as a minimalist and Ingrid replied. Now you!! I feel so special!! Live your podcast!!

      2. Ha ha – so funny. It's just plain old Ingrid and me. We love our community and read and reply to everyone. It's so important to us to keep our community close x

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