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  • Episode 254 – 10 things to declutter from your bedside table
A graphic of a bedroom with a bed, bedside tables and plants

Episode 254 – 10 things to declutter from your bedside table

Our bedrooms should be a sanctuary, with relaxing at the forefront of our mind. But often we have a bedside table, cabinet or nightstand that is anything but calming. In this podcast we’re going to talk about the 10 things you need to declutter from your bedside table.

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  1. Hello. Yes n the USA, we call them bedside tables. They usually have a drawer and a shelf. I imagine some may have more elaborate ones. I have never found them useful. As a minimalist I don’t have anything to put on them. To me it’s just more unnecessary furniture. Again my opinion for me only. I have my charger cord plugged in beside my bed and my phone lays on the floor. We don’t eat in bed so there is no need for snacks, and I have had a traumatic brain injury and reading is extremely difficult for me so we don’t have any books. I put my serums and hand cream on in the bathroom after i brush my teeth in the evening. So none of the items on this ‘ten things’ list are even in my bedroom period. Thank you for another great podcast.

      1. I feel a little like I don’t belong even though i did join the facebook group. As a minimalist, i still find things to declutter from time to time. In the group i have already found a couple opportunities to tell people they are doing a great job. Every item decluttered is a little more space to breath. And i think its extremely important to cheer and encourage people who do struggle with decluttering. I can be that person.

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