A photo of a smiling woman wearing glasses, Michelle Gregory from Knitschool in front of a microphone

Episode 245 – Why does craft bring clutter with Knitschool

It’s time to delve into the world of crafting, and more specifically knitting. Ingrid and I often find where there's craft there’s clutter and where there's clutter there's craft. So in today’s podcast I’ve called on an expert to discuss her take on craft clutter.

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  1. Dear Ingrid and Lesley ,
    I’ve been following you for a long time now and never miss an episode ! Recently my phone broke and I realised how much I missed hearing you chat all things clutter . The knitting episode really resonated as this is a real tricky area for me as a member of the knitting community whom is also determined to effectively declutter and maintain the home .As always, Lesley challenged my thinking and made me refocus on managing my knitting supplies and consider how this is impacting upon my relationships and ability to move forward with decluttering .I loved how Ingrid recently talked through her kitchen wins, small tips which really can make a huge difference to a space . You’ve had my vote for best podcast , thanks for the laughs and for being there alongside my long journey of decluttering our family home. This podcast is accessible and practical . Lesley and Ingrid really care about the impact of clutter on a diverse collective of our communities and are not afraid to dig deeper into the challenges some of us face , offering advice which is insightful and honest . I can’t wait for the next episode!

    1. Aww thank you so much Sarah! What a treat to start my Monday morning with your lovely comment on our podcast. Thank you for voting and for listening in every week. We appreciate our loyal listeners so much! Have a great week! Ingrid

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