A photo of a smiling Lesley Spellman hugging her son Luke Spellman

Episode 247 – My ADHD Journey with Luke Spellman

My eldest son, Luke and I have always had a very open and honest dialogue which is why a recent diagnosis of ADHD left me wondering how I could have missed something so substantial and impactful when I work with people with ADHD each and every day. I’ve invited Luke onto the podcast to share his ADHD journey with us and it’s a fascinating listen.

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  1. I listened to Lesley and Luke discussing his journey to a diagnosis of ADHD and must say how sensitive and honest a discussion, plus difficult for Lesley as his Mother, this must have been.
    My nephew when young was similar to Luke, fortunately I was able to see things and asked my Brother and his wife to take him to see his Doctor and ask foe a diagnosis whilst still in primary school, prior to him going on to further education at high school level.
    I hope this Podcast enlightens not just listeners, parents, or the individual who might now be in later adulthood to seek a diagnosis.

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